Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Casual Encounter

People, as they explode through your life; most, some, many, meaningless interactions and conversations where you only pay attention to words such as good, bad, and, or, although, but, just to make sure you understand if the words exiting their mouth are either positive or negative, so you can smile and nod, or frown appropriately; then, there are some, the few, where the moment the first sound exits their mouth you are hooked; you are warped into a timeless world in which gravity does not exist, your only goal is to make certain that they keep speaking; words, flowing out of their body like a perfectly crafted song; words, you may not know many of them, you can only piece together bits of their story, but its enough to fall in love with those words, the voices, the mouth, the eyes; eyes, the windows you would hide from, glance left, right, up, blink for more than a second, twirl your eyes as if looking for bouncing balls lost in the distance, glance again, avoid eye contact again; then there are Eyes, the ones you cannot break away from, scotch tape, duct tape, glue, crazy, crazy fucking glue; then, their words, their eyes, and suddenly their sentences all brought in perfect harmony make the most sense you’ve ever thought could exist; speak slowly, slowly, don’t stop, let the A in that word linger and vibrate just a little bit longer; you’re telling me a story I know, one I know entirely too well, but your words are different and my experience is different, but it’s the same story; I am not bored, though not even interested in your version of the story, I am interested in your words; one would say I have been seduced by a sentence; you see my eyes, but don’t look too far, they aren’t trying to say anything, this look doesn’t mean something, in fact, in means nothing, you are good for my soul, you’re good for me right now, the melody of your voice, your words, as they linger in my ear drums, don’t stop talking, don’t wonder, this look means nothing, my brain is intoxicated, I’m not; these eyes are not trying to say something, they are just hypnotized; you’ve consumed all of my senses; but don’t be alarmed, in a few minutes you will stop talking, and I will disappear.

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